Vol. 48 No. especial 1 ago (2024): Sustainable and Healthy Territories

Saúde em Debate v. 48, n. especial 1, ago, 2024

Excerpts from the journal's presentation: “This special issue of the journal ‘Saúde em Debate’, entitled ‘Sustainable and Healthy Territories’ [TSS], celebrates the five years of the Institutional Program for Sustainable and Healthy Territories (PITSS) […] of the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (FIOCRUZ). Through this issue, we intend to give visibility to experiences that sought to promote health and sustainability in the territories, bringing alternatives for emancipatory actions and building futures. […] In total, this issue has brought together 27 published works, including original articles, essays, opinion pieces, and experience reports. They present successful experiences in the field of TSS, such as the implementation of courses and training processes involving communities, the development of social technologies and new forms of governance, the establishment of partnerships and articulations with local managers, and the development of new methodologies and communication strategies. FIOCRUZ plays a crucial role in promoting health and scientific research in Brazil. As an institution that mobilizes science for life, its challenge is to maintain ongoing dialogue with the diverse territories and populations that make up our country, such as urban peripheral populations and indigenous and traditional peoples. […] We hope you enjoy the reading!”.

Topics covered: Water as a central element for the construction of sustainable and healthy territories in the Middle Jequitinhonha; Territories of social-environmental management and health in the Amazônia; Care network for Homeless Population in the COVID-19 pandemic; Promotion of Healthy and Adequate Food in a rural territory; Reflections of the COVID-19 pandemic on food sales in farmer’s markets in Maciço de Baturité-CE; Emancipatory struggle for life against agribusiness in Chapada do Apodi-CE; Exposure to food deserts and food consumption markers among children; Sustainable maritorios and environmental suffering in Chilean Patagonia; Vulnerabilization of wind enterprises in a peasant community in the Southern Agrest of Pernambuco; Populations exposed to pesticides in Mato Grosso; Socioenvironmental vulnerabilities in small-scale fishing in Pernambuco; Socio-environmental and psychosocial impacts caused by oil spills; Performance of a municipal health secretariat in the face of the oil disaster-crime in Pernambuco; Indigenous representation in higher education: promoting health and sustainability beyond territories; The 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals as a strategy for health equity and sustainable and healthy territories; The need to build health care and surveillance in the context of climate change; The territorial approach in Sustainable and Healthy Territories:  a conceptual enlargement from anthropology; Contributions of the concept of body-territory and community feminisms; Producing knowledges ‘together with’ social movements and territories for the paradigmatic transition; Reports from quarantine: what society(ies) will emerge after the coronavirus?; Conceptual notes for the proposal of sustainable and healthy territories; Sustainable and Healthy Territories in the SUS: The intrinsic relationship with the Agenda 2030; Popular Agents in promoting more sustainable and healthy territories; Agroecology and food sovereignty; Technical advice on social housing in Sector 1 of Colônia Juliano Moreira; Territory and lack of water access: an educational experience in disadvantaged neighborhoods in Turbo, Antioquia (Colombia); Territorial and community interventions in mental health of traditional communities in Paraty.

Published: 2024-08-20


  • Sustainable and Healthy Territories

    Hermano Albuquerque de Castro, Guilherme Franco Netto, Andréa Araujo de Vasconcellos, Maria Inês Corrêa Cárcamo, Francco Antonio Neri de Souza Lima, Bruna Drumond Silveira, Adriana Miranda de Castro, Edmundo Gallo, Ricardo Moratelli, Luís Carlos Soares Madeira Domingues

Original Article


Case Study