Overview of scientific production on Intermediate Care and Community Hospitals: an integrative review

Intermediate Care and Community Hospitals



Envelhecimento. Instituições para cuidados intermediários. Hospitais Comunitários. Reabilitação. Serviços de reabilitação.


Epidemiological changes resulting from population aging have led to changes in global health systems. Since 1990, discussions on Intermediate Care (IC) have emerged in several countries with a view to reducing hospitalizations and improving the coordination of health services, gaining strength in international health systems as a public health care policy closer to the territory. Thus, the objective of this work is to present and analyze the scientific literature about Intermediate Care, emphasizing Community Hospitals. An integrative review was carried out, combining the descriptors "Intermediate Care", "Community Hospitals", "Intermediate Care Facilities", "Long-Term Care", "Hospitals Chronic Disease" and "Reabilitation Services" in Portuguese, English and Spanish, in the data bases BVS Regional Portal, Pubmed and BDTD. After the search and eligibility process, 30 documents were included for qualitative synthesis. 17 documents were from the United Kingdom; 6 from Norway; 4 from Spain; 1, Denmark; 1, Australia and 1, Italy. 5 cohorts; 5 qualitative studies; 5 sectional; 5 clinical trials; 2 narrative reviews; 2 case studies; 2 research protocols and 4 comments. Results point to the effectiveness and efficiency of ICs; however, gaps remain in the scientific literature and doubts among governments about these services.

Keywords: Aging. Hospitals, Community. Intermediate Care Facilities. Rehabilitation.



How to Cite

Tritany Érika F, Batista Franco T, Xavier de Mendonça PE. Overview of scientific production on Intermediate Care and Community Hospitals: an integrative review: Intermediate Care and Community Hospitals. Saúde debate [Internet]. 2022 Jun. 5 [cited 2025 Mar. 9];45(129 abr-jun):481-500. Available from: https://saudeemdebate.org.br/sed/article/view/4000