Current Issue

Vol. 48 No. 140 (2024): Saúde em Debate
Saúde em Debate v. 48, n. 140, jan-mar, 2024

The editorial ‘What do women want? Sexual and reproductive health and rights’, signed by the editors of Saúde em Debate, Ana Maria Costa and Lenaura de Vasconcelos da Costa Lobato, begins the journal with the following question: “Every year, the month of March is an invitation to reflect on the female condition, our achievements and challenges before the State, governments and society. There is no doubt that, from the place where we were thrown and subjected in the hierarchy of power in society, we have come a long way. However, even so, there is still a long way to go that covers the legal, economic, cultural, and many other spheres. In health, and medicine in particular, a woman’s body and identity have never been the subject of the deserved and necessary respect. Since the beginnings of so-called Modern Medicine, textbooks have taught barbaric things about women and guided excessive interventionism, confirming the pattern of patriarchy in the science of caring for the body and soul. From this perspective, the medicalization of the female body is seen as an effect of discomfort and disrespect on women as subjects and citizens”.

This edition addresses the following themes: Specialization in Popular Health Education in the Promotion of Healthy and Sustainable Territories at Fiocruz; Physiotherapeutic activities in primary care; Doulas in a Brazilian border region; Social and health indicators in municipalities of Minas Gerais according to the rural-urban typology; The Social Determinants of Health inside and outside the household; Health in the Middle Solimões region, state of Amazonas: the centrality of Tefé; Quality dimension of the National Register of Health Establishments; Health care for adolescents who are susceptible to drug use; From the ‘Rede Cegonha’ to ‘RAMI’: tensions between paradigms of maternal and infant health care; Oral Health Promotion at the workplace in rural áreas; Previne Brasil Program; Professional profiles and educational practices of oral health in Primary Health Care; Dental care for pregnant women in Primary Care among municipalities in Bahia; Psychosocial factors and common mental disorders in telework in the labor judiciary during the COVID-19 pandemic; Yoga: a hermeneutic essay on the ontology of the upaniṣad’s; Saúde Única no Pantanal e na fronteira oeste; Access to contraceptives and the right to health in Angola; book critical review ‘Saúde é desenvolvimento: o Complexo Econômico-Industrial da Saúde como opção estratégica nacional’.

Published: 2024-04-03


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