Prevalence of contact and non-contact sexual violence against Brazilian men and factors associated with forced sex


  • Priscila Albernaz Costa Arruda Centro Universitário de Várzea Grande (Univag)
  • André Campos Centro Universitário de Várzea Grande (Univag)
  • Carla Arrais Pimentel Abreu Centro Universitário de Várzea Grande (Univag)
  • Diogo Vaz da Silva Junior Prefeitura Municipal de Porto Alegre
  • Denis Gonçalves Ferreira Centro Universitário de Várzea Grande (Univag)


Sex offenses. Child abuse, sexual. Men’s health. Health policy. Cross-sectional studies.


We aimed to estimate the prevalence of sexual violence against Brazilian men and associated factors.  A cross-sectional study was conducted, which  estimated the prevalence of various forms of sexual violence among Brazilian men by means of a virtual  questionnaire. A total of 1241 men from all Brazilian states participated in the study. Most participants  were young men between 18 and 39 years (61.7%), heterosexual (50.2%), from the Southeast (54.4%),  from socioeconomic classes C/D/E (72.1%), and white (64.3%). Regarding the prevalences of sexual violence, 70.5% reported non-contact sexual violence, 43.1% sexual violence with contact, 23.9% sexual violence  with penetration, and 33.1% forced sex. Being bisexual homosexual, and being divorced/separated increased  the odds of experiencing forced sex. This study  indicates that bisexual and homosexual men are more likely to suffer sexual violence, corroborating other  research. Among divorced/separated men the  chances of experiencing sexual violence were also  significant and need to be further explored. The study  offers the possibility of problematization for the care  of male victims of sexual violence, focusing mainly on  the prevention of adverse effects after violence and  the implementation of public policies in health that  are more directed to the target audience, considering  the main associated factors.



How to Cite

Arruda PAC, Campos A, Abreu CAP, Junior DV da S, Ferreira DG. Prevalence of contact and non-contact sexual violence against Brazilian men and factors associated with forced sex. Saúde debate [Internet]. 2023 Aug. 18 [cited 2024 Oct. 22];47(138 jul-set):493-50. Available from: