Telemedicine in the fight against COVID-19: old and new challenges in health accessibility in Vitória/ES, Brazil



Telemedicine. COVID-19. Health services accessibility. Primary Health Care. Health information systems.


Objective: to analyze telemedicine care in Vitória, Espírito Santo, Brazil, from April 2020 to March 2021.  Method: based on Thied et al.’s dimensions of access,  a case study was conducted using secondary data  collected from the Bem Estar Network’s telemedicine  reports. All 29 Basic Health Units of the municipality  were included. Results: a total of 15,548 users were  assisted in 21,481 consultations, 64% female (9,953)  and 36% male (5,595). The most attended age group  was 30-39 years old (19.5%). The number per 10,000  inhabitants for all causes ranged between  35.86/10,000 inhabitants from Oct-Dec/2020 and  65.75 from Apr-Jun/2020. Of these calls, 56% (11,946)  targeted coronavirus (causes B342 and B972), ranging from 22.54 consultations per 10,000 inhabitants in  Oct-Dec/2020 to 31.96 in Apr-Jun/2020. Conclusions:  Results reflect the transformative impact COVID-19  had on telemedicine care as part of the first-line  response to the pandemic in Vitória, Brazil.  Inequalities in face-to-face access are reproduced in  telemedicine, making it essential to maintain a strong  relationship between the health system, health teams,  and users when implementing telemedicine. Both  forms of health care remain interdependent and  complementary in the search to ensure equitable  access to health.



How to Cite

Martínez HLH, Artmann E, Cruz SC de S, Farias DCS. Telemedicine in the fight against COVID-19: old and new challenges in health accessibility in Vitória/ES, Brazil. Saúde debate [Internet]. 2023 Jun. 17 [cited 2025 Mar. 15];46(134 jul-set):648-64. Available from: