Clinic, care and subjectivity: after all, what kind of care are we talking about?


  • Túlio Batista Franco Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF)
  • Luiz Carlos Moreira Hubner Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF)


Clinic. Primary Health Care. Care.


This essay discusses the clinical decision-making process and health care, based on the recognition that the human organism is inhabited by an affective body and by an anatomo-clinical body. The therapeutic process requires that these two dimensions be contemplated for health care. The care is not only about organ dysfunction or injury, it must contemplate the whole existence of a person, because he/she is a complex being, who, in addition to his/her most objectively identified health problem, brings his/her life story, filled with expectations, desires, relationships of affection, family and social, produced in a given environment. The authors used cartography, that is, a look based on processes and various factors that produced the issues that are the focus of analysis. The assumption is that the user must be the protagonist of their therapeutic project. It is these issues that are being debated in the text that concludes the need to consider them in a movement of renewal of knowledge and clinical practices for a more comprehensive approach to body and health care.



How to Cite

Franco TB, Hubner LCM. Clinic, care and subjectivity: after all, what kind of care are we talking about?. Saúde debate [Internet]. 2019 Dec. 22 [cited 2025 Mar. 12];43(especial 6 dez):93-103. Available from: