Characteristics and demands of the population in a situation of social vulnerability attended in Belford Roxo (RJ)



Human rights. Public policy. Social welfare. Low-income population. Family.


The objective of this study is to describe the characteristics and demands of the families in follow-up at Social Assistance Referral Center (CRAS) of Santa Marta, in the municipality of Belford Roxo/RJ, from 2006 to 2017.  This is a descriptive cross-sectional study with the data extracted of the accompanying sheets.  A total of 87 families were followed up in the study period. Most of the family members were female (92.0%), under 40 (59.8%), single (92.0%) and incomplete elementary school (89.7%). The main demands were noncompliance with conditionality of the Bolsa Família Program (28.7%) and school dropout (26.4%). The health service (33.3%) was the one that had the greatest intersectorial referral. The median follow-up time was 53 months. There was no difference in follow-up time due to the age group, gender, informal or precarious employment relationship, benefit, access type, type of demand and follow-up plan registration (p≥0,272). The majority of the families in follow-up was spontaneous demand (86.2%), but there was not record of the vulnerability situation they experienced. The identification of the families that need to be in following is important to guarantee access to social and care rights, besides contributing to overcome the existing social inequalities.



How to Cite

Carrilho Lisbôa L, Reis Girianelli V, Fadel de Vasconcellos LC. Characteristics and demands of the population in a situation of social vulnerability attended in Belford Roxo (RJ). Saúde debate [Internet]. 2022 Jun. 30 [cited 2025 Feb. 22];44(125 abr-jun):438-50. Available from: