Descriptor Flowchart of the work process: tool to strengthen Primary Health Care



Primary Health Care. Health management. Organization and administration.


The Descriptor Flowchart is characterized by the cartographic elaboration of dynamic processes of daily life and can be configured as an important management tool. It is proposed to report the authors’ experience regarding the teaching of the Descriptor Flowchart, and the monitoring of students (managers and coordinators of primary care) in the application of this tool to their work teams, during an Improvement Course in Management of Basic Health Units, Clinical Management and Care in the Distance Education modality. Descriptive study, of the experience report type, an analysis of the reports was carried out, classified as: Stage I – Approach/Learning of the Descriptor Flowchart; and Stage II –
Application of the Descriptor/Activity 1 Flowchart in the Virtual Learning Environment. Considering Step I, it was noticed that the discussions generated several reflections and concerns, from the moment they observed the critical nodes that the work process may present. In Step II, it was noted that the flowchart can develop a more efficient work, as it allowed the identification of user needs and the participation of all team members. 



How to Cite

Rodrigues RP, Carmo WLN do, Canto CIB, Santos E do S da S, Vasconcelos LA de. Descriptor Flowchart of the work process: tool to strengthen Primary Health Care. Saúde debate [Internet]. 2022 Aug. 21 [cited 2025 Mar. 12];43(especial 6 dez). Available from: