Use of management tools in the micropolitics of health work: an experience report


  • Mary Anne de Souza Alves França Secretaria Municipal de Saúde
  • Acácia Cristina Marcondes de Almeida Spirandelli Secretaria Municipal de Saúde
  • Maisa Carolina de Castro Lima Vila Verde Secretaria Municipal de Saúde


Health management. Health services. Primary Health Care.


Over the years, the Ministry of Health has been implementing incentive policies to qualify the management, reviewing work processes and structuring health care networks, for the improvement of primary care assistance. The aim of this study was to present the report of the students of the Improvement Course in Management of Basic Health Units, Clinic Management and Care about the use of management tools in the micropolitics of health work. This is an experience report of the first edition of the aforementioned course in the state of Goiás and in the Federal District. The grouping of the contents presented in the 25 reflective narratives was performed according to the themes of the Learning Units and the tools practiced (Circular Process, the Descriptor Flowchart, Management of Materials and themes of the Network, Line of Care, Singular Therapeutic Project, Regulation and Health Planning). It was identified in the narratives that the most worked tools and that demonstrated potent results for the
management processes of the Basic Health Units were the Circular process, followed by the Singular Therapeutic Project, and the Descriptor Flowchart.



How to Cite

França MA de SA, Spirandelli ACM de A, Verde MC de CLV. Use of management tools in the micropolitics of health work: an experience report. Saúde debate [Internet]. 2019 Dec. 22 [cited 2025 Mar. 12];43(especial 6 dez):138-46. Available from: