Evaluation of pharmaceutical services in primary health care in the care of patients with tuberculosis


  • Fernanda de Farias Rodrigues Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA)
  • Rosana Aquino Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA)
  • Maria Guadalupe Medina Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA)


Pharmaceutical services. Structure of services. Process Assessment (Health Care). Tuberculosis.


The Pharmaceutical Assistance integrates Primary Health Care services, contributing to the control of diseases, such as tuberculosis, with great impact on health. In order for that to happen, the  pharmaceutical services must have adequate structure in its basic care units, as well as teams to develop and  to process qualified work, which are important  attributes for the evaluation studies. This work is the  result of an evaluation guided by structured quality  criteria and standards, and pharmaceutical work  process in order to assist patients with tuberculosis in  two health units (A and B) in Salvador-Bahia, through  systematic observation, semi-structured interviews  directed to pharmacists and managers, and patients’  samples. The result of this study showed that unit A  presented deficiencies in structure, unlike unit B. In  the work process, the pharmaceutical services were poorly developed in unit A, but fully developed in unit B. It was possible to observe a clear relation between  the structure and the work process in the pharmacy  services for the care of the patient with tuberculosis:  the pharmacy with the greatest deficiency in the  structure presented low consolidation in the work  process, and the pharmacy with the best structure presented full consolidation in the pharmaceutical  services. 



How to Cite

Rodrigues F de F, Aquino R, Medina MG. Evaluation of pharmaceutical services in primary health care in the care of patients with tuberculosis. Saúde debate [Internet]. 2023 Jun. 2 [cited 2025 Feb. 22];42(especial 2 out):173-87. Available from: https://saudeemdebate.org.br/sed/article/view/1009